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Our Values



Thank you so much for checking out the City Church website! We want to share a little bit about who we are and where we are going as a part of the Church in Russellville. 


Our vision is to see God's Kingdom come and his will be done on earth as it is in heaven!


Movement not a Monument

We believe the church is a moving organism and not a monument that you visit once a week.


We are a people where God dwells; we are his house. 


We are not defined by a location or four walls, as we are the church and are part of his church on the earth today that is alive! 

As we Go, we will Grow

The myth is that you have to have it all together to give it all away.


We trust Jesus' work in you and the Holy Spirit is the best guide. 


We can't settle for simply knowing more without experiencing the truth in our lives. 


We are to be the Good News to others, and as we go, we will grow even more. 

More about Sending than Attending

Church is not something that you just attend but it is where you are sent from to the world. Our desire is to equip the saints for the work of service and that within this family you will discover who you have been made to be; your gifts and your calling. 


Just like a healthy family we want to raise up and send out world changers. You are to be God's voice, hands, and feet to the world in which we live. We want to see you equipped for and sent into the purpose and destiny God has for you. 

We and not Me

We believe church is about We and not just about Me. Our heart is to serve one another and the communities he's placed us in and not just be served. 


Being together is better than being isolated and alone. We believe that to see transformation we must think beyond ourselves and begin to see what God sees about the places where he's put us. 


If it matters to him it's got to matter to us. It's not about Me, but about We. 



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